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FREE Event - September 28 & 29, 2019 - Each team will only be scheduled to play 4 short games on 1 of the 2 days. Open to all Southern Atlantic District Mites: Cross Ice 6U, Mite C – Half Ice, Mite B- High Half Ice, Mite B-Low Half Ice, Mite A –Half Ice - Registration required
2019 Teams Entered
Atlantic District Mite Jamboree 2019 | |
Mite Cross Ice Division 6U | |
1 | Central Penn Panthers Xice |
2 | Delaware Patriots Gray Xice |
3 | Delaware Stars Xice |
4 | Dyna Mite Royals 6U |
5 | Grundy Grizzlies 6U |
6 | Palmyra Black Knights 6U |
7 | Royals Blue Xice |
8 | Royals Gold Xice |
9 | Team Philadelphia Xice |
10 | VF Colonial Red Xice |
11 | VF Colonial White Xice |
12 | VF Colonials Blue Xice |
13 | Wilkes-Barre Kinghts Xice |
8U Mite C Half Ice | |
1 | Blazers 8UC |
2 | CC Cougars White 8UC |
3 | Central Penn Panthers 2 8UC |
4 | DE Patriots Gray 8UC |
5 | DE Stars 8UC |
6 | Delaware Stars Green 8UC |
7 | Genesis 8UC/Ferraguti 8UC |
8 | Genesis Gray 8UC |
9 | Grundy Grizzlies Blue 8UC |
10 | Grundy Grizzlies Gold 8UC |
11 | Hatfield Ice Hawks 8UC |
12 | Jr Blue Hens 8UC |
13 | Lady Patriots 8UC |
14 | Little Flyers Girls 8UC |
15 | LV Phantoms Black 8UC |
16 | LV Phantoms Orange 8UC |
17 | Nighthawks |
18 | Palmyra Black Kinghts House 8UC |
19 | Pottstown Penguins Black 8UC |
20 | Reading Independence 8UC 2012 |
21 | Revolution 8UC |
22 | Royals Limited Travel 8UC |
23 | Royals White 8UC |
24 | Team Philadelphia Blue 8UC |
25 | Team Philadelphia Green 8UC |
26 | VF Colonials Orange 8UC |
27 | Wilks-Barre Jr Kinghts 8UC |
28 | WSC /Curci 8UC |
29 | WSC Team 4 8UC |
30 | York Devils 8UC |
8U Mite B Half Ice LOW | |
1 | Blazers 8UB Low |
2 | Delaware Patriots White 8UB Low |
3 | Delco Phantoms 8UB Low |
4 | Dyna-Mite Grey 8UB Low |
5 | Dyna-Mites Orange 8UB Low |
6 | Genesis Blue 8UB Low |
7 | Grundy Grizzlies White 8UB Low |
8 | Haverford Hawks Red 8UB Low |
9 | Jr Pens 8UB Low |
10 | Little Flyers Girls U8 Low B |
11 | LV Phantoms Minor 8UB Low |
12 | Palmyra Blk Knights Red 8UB Low |
13 | Quakers 8UB Low |
14 | Reading Independence 11 8UB Low |
15 | Royals Gray 8UB Low |
16 | Snider Youth 8UB Low |
17 | Team Philadelphia Gray 8UB Low |
18 | Team Philadelphia Grey 8UB Low |
19 | Team Philadelphia White 8UB Low |
20 | VF Colonials Black 8UB Low |
21 | VF Colonials Green 8UB Low |
22 | VF Colonials Purple 8UB Low |
23 | Wilkes-Barre Jr Knights 8UB Low |
24 | WSC /Bender 8UB Low |
8U Mite B Half Ice HIGH | |
1 | Blazers White 8UB Hi |
2 | Capital City Vipers 1 8UB Hi |
3 | Capital City Vipers 2 8UB Hi |
4 | CC Cougars 8UB Hi |
5 | Central Penn Panthers 8UB Hi |
6 | Delco Phantoms 8UB Hi |
7 | Dyna-Mites White 8UB Hi |
8 | Hollydell /Pelle 8UB Hi |
9 | Hollydell/ Paranich 8UB Hi |
10 | Pottstown Penguins Gold 8UB Hi |
11 | Royals Blue 8uB Hi |
12 | Snider Youth 8UB Hi |
13 | Team Philadelphia Black 8UB Hi |
14 | Team Philadelphia Orange 8UB Hi |
15 | Valley Forge Minutemen 2012 8UB Hi |
16 | York Devils 8UB Hi |
8U Mite A Half Ice | |
1 | Delaware Patriots Red 8UA |
2 | Delco Phantoms/ Madison 8UA |
3 | Dyna-Mites Navy 8UA |
4 | Genesis Green 8UA |
5 | Haverford Hawks Black 8UA |
6 | Hershey Jr Bears 8UA |
7 | Lancaster Firebirds 8UA |
8 | LV Phantoms Major 8UA |
9 | Palmyra Black Knights Black 8UA |
10 | Revolution 8UA |
11 | Royals Gold 8UA |
12 | Team Philadelphia Black 8UA |
13 | Team Philadelphia Red 8UA |
14 | VF Colonials Yellow 8UA |
15 | VF Colonials/ Sayles 8UA |
16 | VF Minutemen 8UA |
17 | WSC Swift 8UA |